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Aubry  Etienne
Aubry Etienne
Etienne Aubry (10 January 1745 - 24 July 1781), French painter. He was the student of Jacques-Augustin Silvestre and Joseph Marie Vien. Starting in 1771 he exhibited at the Salon and became a member of the Academie Royale in 1775. His portraits were very much in demand due to their elegance and style and not only brought him many commisions, but also the patronage and protection of ...
Vouet Simon
Vouet Simon
Simon Vouet (9 January 1590 - 30 June 1649), French Baroque painter. Even if in his time he was considered to be one of the most important and talented French Baroque painters, Vouet remained in art history mainly due to his influence than his works, as most of these were destroyed. The son of a painter, Vouet left for Italy in 1613, living and working in Rome , Genoa , Venice and ...
Couture  Thomas
Couture Thomas
Thomas Couture (21 December 1815 - 30 March 1879), French academic painter, portraitist, history painter. Born in Senlis, in a poor family, he moved to Paris in 1826, at the age of 14 he began studying at the Ecole des Metiers et Arts, then worked in the studio of Gros. In 1831 he was admited at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, but after failing to win the Prix de Rome six times in a row, ...
Diziani  Gaspare
Diziani Gaspare
Gaspare Diziani (24 November 1689 - 17 August 1767), Venetian painter and draftsman. His first teacher was Antonio Lazzarini, then Diziani moved to Venice , where he trained in Gregorio Lazzarini's studio, then he worked with Sebastiano Ricci. This last master would have the greatest influence on Diziani, who may have been familiarised with Ricci's works even before. Between 1710 - ...
Saint-Jean Simon
Saint-Jean Simon
Simon Saint-Jean (14 October 1808 - 3 July 1860), French painter, specialized in still life and especially flowers. He was a student of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Lyon and in 1826 he won a gold medal there, with a flowers painting. At first he was a designer for the textile firm of Didier Petit and exhibited his first works in 1827. These first flower paintings helped him gain ...
Migliara  Giovanni
Migliara Giovanni
Giovanni Migliara (5 October 1785 - 18 April 1837), Italian painter and teacher, active mainly in Milan . At first he worked together with Gaspare Galiari in Milan , at the Teatro Carcano (1804) and La Scala (1805 - 1809). He fell ill and had to abandon large scale works. After 1810 he would only paint small works, watercolors and oils on various supports, including silk and ...
van Haarlem Nicolaes Pieterzoon Berchem
van Haarlem Nicolaes Pieterzoon Berchem
Nicolaes Pieterzoon Berchem van Haarlem, Dutch painter, known for his Italian landscapes. Born on October 1, 1620, died on February 18, 1683. Nicolaes Berchem was the son of a distinguished still-life painter, Pieter Claeszoon, who gave him the first drawing lessons. The artist was born in Haarlem , a town which was leading centre of landscape painting in the early seventeenth ...
Octav Bancila - a Realist Romanian Master
Born on February 4 th 1872 in Botosani, in a poor family, he lost both of his parents when he was just four years old and was taken care for by his elder sister. In 1887 he enrolled at the Fine Arts School in Iasi , where he studied under Gh. Panaiteanu Bardasare si C.D. Stahi, who helped train and prepare himself to be an artist, who knew both Romanian art traditions and European ...


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The Beatles lanseaza la inceputul lunii noiembrie ultimul cantec:  “Now and Then” The Beatles lanseaza la inceputul lunii noiembrie ultimul cantec: “Now and Then”
“ Now and Then ” va putea fi ascultat in sfarsit in primele zile ale lunii viitoare, cand va fi lansat in format digital, iar ulterior si sub forma unui single dublu, impreuna cu ...
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Muzeul Louis de Funes Muzeul Louis de Funes A fost jandarmul Ludovic Cruchot intr-o serie de filme care s-au bucurat de o incredibila popularitate. L-a jucat pe Harpagon, a fost expertul in gastronomie Charles Duchemin, l-a infruntat pe Fantomas si a jefuit o banca alaturi de intreaga familie, a ... Alte destinatii: Acasa la August Macke Acasa la Cezanne in Aix-en-Provence Mozart la Brno Cea mai mica statuie din Stockholm Lituania, tara cu unul dintre cei mai batrani stejari din lume + Destinatii pe meridiane

teatru, carte, film

Filme. Teatru. Concerte.:
Umbra lui Caravaggio
Umbra lui Caravaggio Viata unuia dintre cei mai controversati, influenti si fascinanti pictori din toate timpurile ajunge pe marile ecrane intr-un film regizat de Michele ......
+ alte recomandari: Filme. Teatru. Concerte.
Carte Artline:
Hotul de arta de Michael Finkel
Hotul de arta de Michael Finkel Stephane Breitwieser. Un nume prea putin cunoscut in istoria artei recente. Nu a fost nici pictor, nici sculptor, nici un grafician sau gravor de ......
+ alte recomandari: Carte Artline