Janusz Gajos (born September 23, 1939 in Dąbrowa Górnicza in Poland) is a Polish actor.
He graduated in 1965 from the Polish Film and Theater Academy in Łódź.
He debuted in 1964 (while still in the film school) in a film for young audience "Panienka z okienka." Shortly afterwards he was cast in a role of Janek Kos in a widely popular TV WWII series "Czterej pancerni i pies" (The Tank Crew and the Dog). A popular Polish actor, he starred in numerous other films and theatrical plays, notably in Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colors: White.
Hamlet (2004/II) (TV) as Claudius
Zemsta (2002) aka The Revenge as Czesnik Raptusiewicz
Chopin. Pragnienie miłości (2002) aka Chopin: Desire for Love as Duke Konstanty Pawlowicz
Tam i z powrotem (2002) aka There and Back as Andrzej Hoffman
Przedwiośnie (2001) aka The Spring to Come as Seweryn Baryka
Weiser (film) (2001) as Antiquarian
Zólty szalik (2000) (TV)
To ja, złodziej (2000) aka It's Me, the Thief as Roman Wyskocz
Ostatnia misja (2000) aka The Last Mission as Police Inspector
Egzekutor (1999) as Kowalik
Fuks (1999) as Policeman
Szczęśliwego Nowego Jorku (1997) aka Happy New York as Profesor
Czas zdrady (1997) as Messer Niccolo
Poznań 56 (1996) as Professor
Akwarium (1996)
Łagodna (1995) aka A Gentle Woman as He
Śmierć jak kromka chleba (1994) aka Death as a Slice of Bread as Miodek
Trzy kolory: Biały (1994) aka Three Colors: White as Mikolaj
Straszny sen Dzidziusia Górkiewicza (1993) aka The Terrible Dream of Babyface Gorkiewicz
Szwadron (1993) aka Squadron
Coupable d'innocence (1992) aka When Reason Sleeps
Psy (1992) aka Pigs as Gross
Ucieczka z kina 'Wolność' (1991) aka Escape From the 'Liberty' Cinema as Cenzor
Stan wewnętrzny (1990) aka Inner State
Dekalog (1989) aka The Decalogue (mini) TV Series as Michal
Piłkarski poker (1989) aka Soccer Poker as Referee Jan Laguna
Dekalog, cztery (1988) (TV) aka Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother as Michal
Big Bang (1986) (TV) as Janek
Hamlet we wsi Głucha Dolna (1985) (TV)
Rok spokojnego słońca (1984) aka The Year of the Quiet Sun as Moonlighter
Wedle wyroków twoich (1984) aka After Your Decrees as Driver
Alternatywy 4 (1983) TV Series as Jan Winnicki
Gwiezdny pył (1982)
Limuzyna Daimler-Benz (1982) aka The Consul as Kuschmerek
Nieciekawa historia (1982) aka Uninteresting Story
Przesłuchanie (1982) aka Interrogation as Major Zawada "Kapielowy"
Z dalekiego kraju (1981) aka From a Far Country: Pope John Paul II
Człowiek z żelaza (1981) aka Man of Iron as Committee Vice-Chairman
Wahadełko (1981) aka Shilly-Shally
Wojna światów - następne stulecie (1981) aka The War of the World: Next Century
Dyrygent (1980) aka Orchestra Conductor as High Official
Kontrakt (1980) aka The Contract as Boleslaw Bartoszuk
Kung-Fu (1979) as Editor-in-Chief Maciek
Co mi zrobisz jak mnie złapiesz (1978) aka What Will You Do When You Catch Me? as Supermarket Manager
Milioner (1978) aka Millionaire as Józef Mikula
Mgła (1976) aka The Fog
Wakacje z duchami (1970) TV Series as Antoniusz
Bicz boży (1967) aka God's Whip as Klen
Stajnia na Salwatorze (1967) aka Stall on Salvador
Bariera (1966) aka Barrier (uncredited) as Tram Driver with Letter "E"
Czterej pancerni i pies (1966) TV Series as Pvt./Cpl./Sgt./Lt. Jan Kos
Szyfry (1966) aka The Codes as White monk