The same is surely true for Watchmen, no matter what controversies and heated discussions (especially online) the 2009 movie which was directed by Zack Snyder might have caused. Some have loved the movie, others hated it, but a large number of those who hadn't read the original graphic novel went ahead and bought it. And surely were at least impressed, if not enraptured. Some think that Watchmen is the best that the famous Alan Moore ever created, but even if you don't agree with that it is surely and by far one of the best graphic novels ever published.
Depicting an alternate history, in which superheroes are a normal thing and often act and intervene in everyday history and life, Watchmen is rather far away from what the "average Joe" might think about comics, that is the hero always wins and the bad guys always lose in the end. It is darker, grittier, filled with drama and with such a huge narrative strength that it is no wonder that so far Watchmen sold millions of copies. So get yours today, no matter the year, language or if it is hardcover or softcover. And treat yourself to a great story. Who knows, it might be the start of a future collection of graphic novels.