It has a large amount of natural resources, is one of the most important producers of wine and beef, and is becoming more and more an agricultural and industrial power player.
Argentina is for many the country of tango and gauchos, but it is also a place where people enjoy listening to the radio and going to the movies, reading a lot (no wonder Borges loved Buenos Aires so much) and attending various concerts and performances, and all in all it is a country where knowledge and culture are in much regard.
Of course you could (and many say you should) begin your voyage of discovering Argentina with a visit to Buenos Aires. Tango, street art and rich museums, fascinating neighbourhoods and famous landmarks, lots of things to see and remember. It is also known as the Paris of South America, due to the European character and influences.
You are looking for the highest mountain not only in the country, but in the Americas? You are in luck if you came to Argentina, for here you can see the Aconcagua Mountain, peaking at almost 7000 meters (6,962 to pe more precise). Surely, it is one for the most courageous and trained climber, but who says you can not enjoy the view from way down below?

Maybe you want to enjoy the local customs and way of life. One of the inspired choices would be to travel to the country at the beginning of November, for around the 10th of the month you could take part in the local holiday called El Dia de Tradicion. Even if you don't know much about Jose Hernandez, the Argentinian poet whose birth the country celebrates on this day, that is no reason not to enjoy the food, the dances, the music and all around the fun.
Enjoy a wildlife reserve, with it's animals, plants and sights? Then by all means visit the Reserva Faunistica Peninsula Valdes, which is not one of the most beautiful places of it's kind, but also an Unesco World Heritage site. No wonder tens of thousands of visitors come every year here, to explore and discover over 3600 square km of wonderful land. And the animals range from sea lions to elephant seals and other rare examples, for the wildlife reserve also has several hundred km of coastline.
The prehistoric history of the land can also be discovered by those who are passionate about the subjects, and one of the landmarks is the so-called Cave of Hands, in Patagonia, which has on the inside paintings more than nine thousand years old.

You must know that Argentina is also “home” to the Perito Moreno Glacier, one of the very few examples of a glacier which is growing, not shrinking.
Another geographical record set by Argentina? When you go to the island of Tierra del Fuego you can visit Ushuaia, which is the southernmost inhabited city in the whole wide world.
Foto: goodfreephotos.com, wikipedia.org