Around 90 elephants are killed every day in Africa by poachers for ivory and meat.
Hard as it may be to believe it, in the US there are more public libraries than McDonald's restaurants.
In all the world there are only two countries where you will not find Coca-Cola: North Korea and Cuba. These are the only remaining places where the selling of the popular soft drink is forbidden.
Canada has the most oil, coming third after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
If you like bananas (the most popular fruit in the world) you should know that in various African countries you can sample several brands of beer made of bananas.
And there are more French speakers on the continent of Africa than in the whole of France.
There is a place in Norway called Hell.
Every year there are about half a million earthquakes, about 100,000 of these are actually felt by the population and only an average of 100 a year do damage.
Outside of the USA the country with the most American citizens is still Mexico.
Photo: absfreepic.com