More than 40 percent of the world's total production of almonds is used every year by the chocolate manufacturers.
We have on average 1460 dreams a year, maybe more. And yes, some of us dream only in black and white, most of us in colors. If you say that you don't dream then you are wrong. You are dreaming, but you just don't remember it in the morning. At least that is what researchers say.
In China more than 87 million people have the same family name: Li.
The Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, perhaps the most popular landmark of Bucharest, is the second largest adminstrative building in the world, having about 1000 rooms, a height of 84 meters and an area of 365,000 sq.m. By all means an impressive achievement, even if it meant the destruction of a large part of old Bucharest, it still atracts a lot of attention and, of course, visitors.
In 1983 there was one country in the world in which there wasn't any birth registered all year: Vatican City.
Do you like to eat spaghetti? Almost 40 percent of those who like to eat pasta chose this shape over all the others, like they meant to say that the classic way is the best.
Even if you are extremely unlucky there isn't much chance of being killed, like in a horror movie, by a plane falling from the sky upon you. But for those who enjoy numbers we give you the statistics: you have one single chance in 25 million of that happening.
When it comes to cheese France is still the undefeated highest consumer in the world.
You have the same birthday as other nine million people in the world (on average).
Photo: publicdomainpictures.net