The National Park Retezat is the most sublime and complex mountain from all geographical areas of Romanian Carphatian Mountains.
These mountains are a subsistem of the Alps-Himalaya System ant they are divided in provinces and subprovinces.
The charm of the National Park Retezat consists in the existence of a spectacular alpine grow that exceeds 2.000 meters height. Also the sculptural relief that reveals the traces of two large glaciations named Riss and Wurm make from the Retezat Park a sublime place witch worth being explored.
The professor Alexandru Borza wstablished in 1935 the National Park Retezat. Currently the Park has a statute of a protected natural area, nationali ant internationally. Also it is recognised as a Biosphere Reservation from 1979.
The National Park Retezat aims to protect and conserve the representative samples of all the natural elements within the biogeographical national space.
Retezat National Park - Biosphere Reservation is located in the western part of the Carpathians and covers an area of 38,138 ha from the massive Retezat Godeanu.
Within this Park there are over 20 peaks that exceed 2000 meters and at least 80 glacial lakes.
This wonder of the nature offers a unique floristic and fauna diversity in number of 1190 species of higher plants, 90 endemic taxons, 130 rare plants, 50 mammalian species, 168 species of birds, 9 species of reptiles and 5 amphibian species.