The Keys of Bicaz represent the most known and most attractive notch of the Oriental Charpatians, which crosses from south-west to north-east the mountains formed by the limestone deposits that were made in the triasic and jurassic periods.
Also in the limestone massif were formed caves and valleys. The notch has a tectonic origin and his name came from the Bicaz river. Today, with a 5 km length, this place is considered to be the mountain climbers paradise.
Downstream of Great Serpentina, The Poienii Stone and Bardos Mountains aproaches at a few meters. This place is named the Hell Gate. Below there is another place named Hell Porch. After that the keys are large to the Black Tower. From there you can find a road which will take you to the Black Cave that has a entrance of 15 meters height and 3 meters wide. From the cave's entrance you can see the mighty shrine of the Pietrii.
In the Bicaz you can also find the most important affluent of this area. Knowed by the name of Bicajelul it is formed in under the Tarcaului Glade and has a length of 20 km.
The most beautiful and wild area from these places is situated between Fagetul Cucului and Stone of Surducelului from which in upstream go through the smooth Bicajel, the area of the village that has the same name.