Did you know that the very first mobile phone call was made in 1973? On April 3 an employee of Motorola, Martin Cooper, made a phone call while walking the streets of New York City, something which seemed to be an idea from a SF movie. Maybe those who witnessed it even thought they were shooting some futuristic movie. Cooper was the head of research at Motorola, working to make the very first cellphone, and thus history was in the marking.
Firefox gets it's name not from an actual fox of this colour. It was inspired by the red panda, native to China and the Himalayas, translated as "firefox", thus the name of the popular browser.
Way before modern browsers there was the now forgotten Netscape Navigator, released in 1994, which at that time accounted for about 90% of all Internet use.
It was in 2004 that the @ symbol was added to the Morse code, the very first addition in several decades.
According to a recent article on fortune.com in the world there were over 715 million iPhones, over 228 million being second hand devices. That was in May 2017, and the number should have risen by now.
Maybe you still remember (even miss) your very first computer, especially if you are over 35 years old. Did you ever wonder how many old computers and other pieces of hardware are disposed of every year? In the USA alone, according to recent statistics, over 200 million tons of such hardware end up in the heap land every year. That is a lot of computers, printers, phones and so on.
Just about 4 percent of Arab women are using the Internet.
One of the most popular Linux distribution, being used by more and more people every year, is Ubuntu. But did you know that the word actually comes from an African word meaning for short "humanity".
Are you passionate about the Internet and it's history? Well, do you remember that until 1995 the domain name registrations were free? And when you started to pay it was rather expensive for a field that most of us didn't really understand, over one hundred dollars for only two years.
Always running out of space on your hard drive? For about 13.3 years of HD-TV video you need 1 Petabyte of space. Things have surely changed over the last decade.
Photo: publicdomainpictures.net