- The National Theatre I.L. Caragiale, Liviu Rebreanu Hall (Amphiteatre) will be the host for a masterpiece of the character comedy. Tartuffe brings on stage the individual prototype decided to reach to the highest peaks by any means.
This individual enters in Orgon's house, swaggers him and his mother, destroing all the plans that the family had before.
As soon as his purpose is reached the mask that the man weared, servile and humble, falls and his true face is revealed.
Doamna Pernelle - Simona Bondoc, Elmira - Ana Ciontea, Mariana - Simona Popescu, Orgon - Alexandru Georgescu, Damis - Daniel Badale, Valer - Silviu Biris, Dorina - Magda Catone, Tartuffe - Horatiu Malaele, Cleant - Marius Rizea, Un capitan al garzii - Mihai Persa, Domnul Loyal - Mihai Verbitchi, Flipota - Erika Baiesu
Scenography: Irina Solomon
Choreography: Pastorel Ionescu
Music: Nicu Alifantis
Lyricist: Romulus Vulpescu
Director: Andrei Belgrader