And while many fans thought that this was the final chapter, many more hoped and even talked online about the possibility for King to someday write and publish another novel about the Dark Tower universe, and often some hardcore admirer of King swore that he had information (certain information even) that such a book is in the works, and more info would appear soon. As King himself remembered several times, the Dark Tower novels had some truly enthusiastic readers, who often sent him letters and e-mails regarding the saga, strange and twisted gifts, and several times even threats.
But the huge news is that recently, during a Sleeping Beauties promotion tour (the book that King has written together with his son, Owen, soon to hit the stands), King said that it is possible in the future to write another Dark Tower book. Or to quote King "Yes, I think that might happen." It is just a vague promise, but who knows, maybe the master of horror, as he is considered, will once again return to the world of the Dark Tower, Roland and the Crimson King. Even if the first movie was largely a miss, both for fans and critics, and the future of the TV series is uncertain. But another Dark Tower book sounds really good.
Photo: wikipedia.org