"In a time when reorganizing and resizing are key words in the institutional public discourse, Pavilion reconceptualizes and reinvents a new stage, on the occasion of the relocation of the activities of the art center. Usually, a pavilion is a temporary construction, something in-between a house and a tent with a specific and temporary purpose. Its best quality is functionality, it can be installed and uninstalled easily. It can be moved quickly from a place to another, but it has the potential to mark a certain space, inside or outside the pavilion. It is a temporary structure, as is the exact case of PAVILION, a temporary structure, a temporary platform for contemporary politics, art and culture. The temporary concept of PAVILION relates perfectly to the concept of today's cultural (re)presentation. Art and culture are dynamic, temporary, often in a process of transformation, moving not only backwards, forwards, to the right or to the left, but also in each and every way. A temporary structure is needed in order to analyze the contemporary culture - one must be fast and dynamic, and it is needed an environment that is temporary, as the field that it represents, but that must also remain solid." (Răzvan Ion & Eugen Rădescu)
After 13 years of existence, the two co-founders of the organization will hold a public Q&A with the audience who supported us for such a long time. The last event in the location which hosted us for the last 4 years.
The moving out and refurnishing of the new space will last for an undetermined period of time, therefore the center’s program will be temporary suspended. We will come back with information on the new program and the opening of the new space. We thank everyone who supported us for the last years. Continue to stand by us!
Răzvan Ion is theoretician, curator, cultural manager and political activist. He is co-editor of the PAVILION - journal for politics and culture, co-director of BUCHAREST BIENNALE - the Bucharest International Biennale of contemporary art (with Eugen Rădescu) and in 2008 he was appointed as director of PAVILION UNICREDIT - center for contemporary art & culture. He was associated professor at University of California - Berkeley, University of Lisbon; Central University of New York; University of London; University of Sofia; University of Kiev; etc. He held conferences and lectures at several art institutions such as Witte de With, Rotterdan; Art In General, New York; rum 46, Aarhus; Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; La Casa Encedida, Madrid; New Langton, San Francisco; CCA, Tbilsi; Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj; University of Art, Timișoara, etc. He has written in different magazines and newspapers and he has recently curated the exhibitions "From Contemplating to Constructing Situations" and "Exploring the return of Repression" at Pavilion, Bucharest and rum46, Aarhus. Currently he is working at the book projects "Exploring the Return of Repression" and "Rhizomic Structures Of Art Institutions. Neo-Politics Of Culture". He is professor at the University of Bucharest, where he teaches curatorial studies and holds a class of critical thinking.
Eugen Rădescu is a politologist ( specialized in moral relativism and political ethics), cultural manager, curator and theoretician. He wrote for different magazines and newspapers. He curated, among others, Bucharest Biennale 1 with the theme "Identity Factories", the exhibitions "How Innocent is That?" and "presently i have nothing to show and Iim showing it" at Pavilion Bucharest. He published the book "How innocent is that?" at REVOLVER BOOK, Berlin, Germany. He is the co-editor of the PAVILION - journal for politics and culture and co-director Bucharest Biennale (with Răzvan Ion) and the chairman of the organizational board of PAVILION and BUCHAREST BIENNALE. He is associate professor at University of Bucharest and Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj. He lives and works in Bucharest.
Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest 011131 Romania
PAVILION (proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank) is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of art and of cultural institutions.
December 2012