- At the Roman Arenas in Bucharest will take place Saturday and Sunday, 14 and 15 August 2010, Proms of Delight Music Fest festival. The event will begin from 18.00.
Proms of Delight Music Fest , a competition of singing live, will have on stage bands and singers from pop-rock musical segment. They will have the chance to gain experience and to show their talent in front of an audience but also to a professional jury.
The selected participants will have the opportunity to receive free masterclasses, guided by renowned artists and teachers such as Cristi Gram, Crina Mardare and Andrei Tudor, members in prstigious bands from Romania.
The festival organizes concerts supported by popular bands from Romania and abroad. There will also be invited winners of previous editions of Imagine Festivals contests. Among these we remember Hada, Beatrice Aurore and the Make-Believe Mimers, No Shave November or Norbert and friends.
This year's winners will be the Romanian representatives in the competition Imagine Festival in Belgium.