- In 1999 Proconsul became known, even they had a long time singing together. The maxi single that made them known was From Russians....
Convinced that they can succeed on the big stage they change the name of the band from Take Five in Proconsul, composing the first original songs. The material that contains the songs From Russians... or Barosanu enjoyed immediate success.
In 2000 the song Sky brought to Proconsul the trhird place at the Mamaia Festival, Creation section.
It's a time when things were difficult for the band. They were forced to sell some instruments to remain together. This moment was one inspirational for the song No Friends.
Without the knowledge of colleagues, Dragos Dinca sends this song to Mamaia and surprisingly for them, they qualify.
In the same year the album Tatuaj appears and on it there are included songs like Sky, The Girl with Tatoo, From Russians.
Proconsul is the first band from Romania that wins the Golden Stag Trophee.
In 2001 the band releases another album called "You took my heart". This one had a huge success with singles like I Fly, You took my heart, Sky and About You.
In 2002 Karcsi left the band, his place being taken by Florin Barbu from another band called Timpuri Noi.
In 2002 the album You took my heart becomes a golden album because of its over 50.000 sold units. That same year with the childrens from the American School is launched the song Mama Terra. With this occasion the album You took my heart is reedited in a special edition with this song as a bonus track.
In 2003 appears the fourth product, Proconsul 10 stories, and the single I'm not ok without you has a unique and special video. Then, in 2004, the fourth album Proconsul 5, is released marking five years of existence.
In 2005 the concert Balads. For You, held at the National theatre from Bucharest enjoys a great appreciation from the public.
In all the years of career the band Proconsul received many awards as Best group of the year, Best Song of the Year, Best male voice of the Year, Best bass, and many others.
In 2007 the band releases another album called Pay it Forward, an album with 11 songs.