Premiile Pulitzer sunt acordate anual, in Statele Unite, pentru cele mai bune lucrari in urmatoarele categorii: Jurnalism Teatru Fictiune Istorie Non-fictiune Poezie Premiul Pulitzer pentru fictiune:![]() 2005 - Gilead, Marilynne Robinson 2004 - The Known world, Edward P. Jones 2003 - Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides 2002 - Empire Falls, Richard Russo 2001 - The Amazing adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Michael Chabon 2000 - Interpreter of maladies, Jhumpa Lahiri 1999 - The Hours , Michael Cunningham 1998 - American Pastoral, Philip Roth 1997 - Martin Dressler , Steven Millhauser 1996 - Independence Day , Richard Ford 1995 - Stone diaries, Carol Shields 1994 - Shipping news, E. Annie Proulx 1993 - Good scent from a strange mountain, Robert Olen Butler 1992 - A Thousand acres, Jane Smiley 1991 - Rabbit at rest, John Updike 1990 - Mambo Kings play songs of love, Oscar Hijuelos 1989 - Breathing lessons, Anne Tyler 1988 - Beloved, Toni Morrison 1987 - A Summons to Memphis, Peter Taylor 1986 - Lonesome Dove, Larry McMurtry 1985 - Foreign affairs, Alison Lurie 1984 - Ironweed, William Kennedy 1983 - The Color purple, Alice Walker 1982 - Rabbit is rich, John Updike 1981 - Confederacy of dunces, John Kennedy Toole 1980 - The Executioner's song, Norman Mailer 1979 - Stories of John Cheever, John Cheever 1978 - Elbow Room, James Alan McPherson 1977 - Nu a fost acordat 1976 - Humboldt's gift, Saul Bellow 1975 - Killer angels, Michael Shaara 1974 - Nu a fost acordat 1973 - Optimist's daughter, Eudora Welty 1972 - Angle of repose, Wallace Stegner 1971 - Nu a fost acordat 1970 - Collected stories, Jean Stafford 1969 - House made of dawn, N. Scott Momaday 1968 - Confessions of Nat Turner, William Styron 1967 - Fixer, Bernard Malamud 1966 - Collected stories, Katherine Anne Porter 1965 - Keepers of the house, Shirley Ann Grau Joseph Pulitzer s-a nascut in Mako, Ungaria, la 10 aprilie 1847. Tatal sau a fost negustor de cereale de origine maghiara-evreiasca si mama de origine germana, un romano-catolic devotat. In 1872 reusise sa isi construiasca o reputatie de jurnalist si in 1878 era proprietar al St Louis Post-Dispatch. |