National Theater Bucharest was founded in 1852. In the last day of the year was held the inauguration of the Theater, called in those times Grand Theater.
Along times the repertoire has included plays by Shakespeare, Ibsen, Gorki, GB Shaw, A. Strindberg, L.N. Tolstoi, Cehov, also Romanian plays.
The Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza attended the plays of the Theater and in 1875 the King Carol I changed the name of the theater, Grand Theater became National Theater.
The history of the National Theater in Bucharest overlaps with the theater’s history in Romania; the national drama school was recognized at the 1891 after the first European theater tour in Vienna.
The old building which housed the National Theater was bombed at the end of the Second World War. From here the ensemble moved to the new built theatre in 1973, The modern building has an area of 10,000 sqm, of which 1480 are represented by the big stage.
Among actors who have evolved over time on stage of the National Theatre we mention: Constantin Nottara, Aristizza Romanescu, Grigore Manolescu, George Calboreanu, Buzescu Aura, Ion Fintesteanu, Aklexandru Giugaru, Grigore Vasiliu Birlic, Carmen Stanescu, Ileana Stana Ionescu, Mircea Albulescu.
The first 10 producers were : Costache Caragiale, Matei Millo, C.A. Rosetti, Costache Dimitriade, Pascaly Mihai, Alexandru Odobescu, Grigore C. Cantacuzino, Constantin I. Stancescu, IL Caragiale, Petre Gradisteanu.