Romanian painter. Studies at the Art Academy (1912-1915 and 1918-1920) with G. D. Mirea and Gabriel Popescu. Continues his formation at Rome (1921-1923) and Paris (1924), where he goes to the studios Grande Chaumiere and Ranson Academy, in the Bissiere studio. On a way followed often by the artists, starting with the inpressionists, travels in the South of France, working, between 1927-1939 at Cassis, fascinated by the intense light, by the fresh colours of the region. He participates at the official exhibitions from Romania, organised by the art groups "Tinerimea artistica", "Grupul nostru", "Arta" etc.
The painter, considered by the critic N. Argintescu-Amza, in the monography dedicated to him, "one of the most interesting, more complex and more personal post-impresionist", remains faithfull to his first calls, giving a undissimulated pleasure to the work in plain-air.
From his landscapes are remarkable: Catedrala Notre-Dame / Notre-Dame Cathedral, also Peisaj cu vapor / Landscape with ship, Peisaj din Cassis / Landscape from Cassis, Balcic, Turnul Baratiei / Baratiei Tower, Peisaj din Dubrovnik / Landscape from Dubrovnik, Aspect bucurestean / Aspect from Bucharest etc. He is also preocupated by the human figure, treated with the same pictorial method (Portret de tanara / Young Girl's Portrait, Fata cu ochi verzi / Girl with green eyes, Arlechin etc.), and by the still life (Natura statica cu pepene galben si strugure / Still life with yellow melon and grape etc.)...