After playing in Romania twice this year - in February and May - the woirld famous musician Goran Bregovic will return once again, this time on September 19th 2008, at the Turabo Society Club. Starting with 23.00 hours the audience will once again have the chance of experiencing the unique, strange and beautiful music of the composer/singer/guitarist/showman. Who makes every show a spectacular experience of music, dancing and light. Due to the fact that Bregovic draws his inspiration for the Balkans area, it is no wonder that his songs have become so popular in Romania.
Bregovic started playing in a band when he was just 16 years old, and this first group, Bijelo Dugme, would grow up to become one of the most popular bands in Eastern Europe, by the beginning of the 70s, in no small part due to the input and efforts of Bregovic himself. Later, after meeting Kusturics, Bregovic provided the soundtrack for several movies, which launched him as a strong and original composer, with a decisive influence coming from Balkan and gipsy traditional music.
September 2008