2. It is a country that was in a manner of speaking built upon the delicious and so beloved brew, at least over the last two centuries. The mighty coffee bean has played a key role in the development and the evolution of Costa Rica as we see it today, for starting with the 19th century it was the main export, bringing a lot of revenue and many farmers chose to grow it on their plots. It wasn't just a good merchandise to sale, but the government encouraged them by sometimes giving them free land for coffee plantations. Today coffee is still the beverage of choice, a real national symbol and still both a common crop and a major export. So if you have come to Costa Rica why not enjoy a cup of coffee, relishing in the local specialties?
3. Fighting pollution seems to be a very important part of national policy in Costa Rica, for in San Jose, the capital of the country, you cannot drive your car one day of the week. So every driver has to travel by bus one every seven days, or risk a very heavy fine. It is according to local authorities just a small step towards a cleaner and healthier life style.
4. When it comes to plants and animals Costa Rica has several surprises, not to mention the fact that about a quarter of it's territory is made out of national parks. It is only so far the only country in Latin America in which hunting as a sport has been banned.
Photo: goodfreephotos.com