Did you know that Tom Hanks is a real typewriter aficionado? He has over 200 various models of mechanical typewriters in his collection (much more interesting than the newer, electrical ones) and not only buys them, but uses them almost everyday. What for? For writing letters to his friends and family, put down some random notes, make some lists and on and on, and as many collectors do he has his favourites. Hanks began collecting typewriters at the end of the 70s, when they seemed to be there to stay, as there wasn't an office without one. Then the computers came, and following a long, hard struggle the typewriter caved. And became a thing of the past until making a surprise renaissance over the last few years.
Who would have thought that Sylvester Stallone is also a book lover, with a large collection of over one thousand rare and first editions, by authors such as Swift, the Bronte Sisters, Dickens and the likes. The actor has collected book for decades, and although he sold some of them last year at auction, there are sure some valuable surprises still hidden in his bookcases.
Penelope Cruz likes to collect... coat hangers. And mainly the non-metal kind (who would have thought you could keep and treasure such items) as she reportedly has over 500 in her collection. Or used to have, for it is very possible that the number has grown.
Rod Stewart loves model trains. Not only a serious collector, but also somewhat of an expert when it comes to the small trains, rails and worlds, he spends a lot of his free time building and running several railways, in a landscape to match. And all at a very small scale.
Photo: independent.co.uk