Image: The Gate of the Kiss, Targu-Jiu, Romania
Constantin Brancusi was born in Hobita village, in Gorj county, Romania, on February 19, 1876.
He was enrolled in the School of Crafts in Craiova between 1894 -1898, then in School of Belle-Arte Bucharest, that graduated in 1902.
In 1903 made the bust of doctor Carol Davila. The bust is situated at the Military Hospital of Bucharest, being single public Brancusi’s monuments in Bucharest.
In 1904 travel to Munich for studies, then to Switzerland and France. In 1905 entered at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts.
Constantin Brancusi was invited to enter the workshop of Auguste Rodin, but left Rodin’s side after only two months, saying words became famous Nothing can grow under big trees.
In 1907 created the first version of the Kiss, a theme culminating with the monumental ensemble of native country, Romania, The Gate of the Kiss in Targu-Jiu, city located near the village where he was born.
In the year 1904 rented a studio in Rue de Montparnasse in Paris and became part of the art scene there and made a great many friends, including Amadeo Modigliani, Alexander Archipenko, Marcel Duchamp and Jean Cocteau.
In 1909 has returned in Romania to participe at the official exhibition of picture, sculpture and architecture. The jury chaired by Spiru Haret awarded to Brancusi the silver medal ex aequo. Anastase Simu, art collector, bought the Spleep work.
He had worked at the cycles Birds (Bird in Space, Maiastra), Miss Pogany participating sametime in collective exhibitions at Bucharest and Paris.
In 1914 has opened the first exhibition in U.S. at Secesssion Photo Gallery and the exhibition has a great success. John Quinn, wealthy American collectors, was buying his works. The magazines published praiseful articles.
Brancusi was a talented violinist, he had an eclectic taste in music. He was also a famous cook of traditional Romanian dishes and an extraordinary handyman, building his own phonograph.
In Targu Jiu city there are the monumental art works: Table of Silence, The Gate of the Kiss and The Endless Column.
Table of Silence with a diameter of 2.15 m is surrounded by 12 seats. The work is done in limestone.
The Gate of the Kiss is made of traverion of Bapotoc and has 5.13 meters hight and 5.45 length. The execution of this work was helped by Ion Alexandrescu and Golea.
The Endless Column is situated at the entrance of Targu-Jiu city, having 29.33 m high and 17 rhomboid modules. The modules were made in Central Worksps Petrosani. The raising of the column was conducted by the engineer Stefan Georgescu Gorjan.
Brancusi's Ensemble from Targu-Jiu was inaugurated on October 27, 1938.