Daca ti-e dor de stabilã pozitivitate / Într-o instabilã controversitate…
vino marti, 3 februarie 2009, dupa 7 seara, in Silver Church (ex-Preoteasa), pentru un concert live Aria Urbana. Iar pentru pentru ca natura selectiva este pozitiva, Discoballs (aka Mizdan, Alexei & Christian) te vor bombarda cu ritmuri stroboscopice, unde subsonice si sunete diabolice, intr-un live act experimental....
Asadar , trip-hop, dub, drum and basse, breakbeat, electronica intr-un eveniment electrizant sustinut de Radio Guerrilla.
Despre Discoballs
"From now on, no one is safe, nothing is for sure!", these were the first words, this was the beginning. In the early 2008, three citizens with no military education decided to get in the front line of the electronic war. They gathered their weapons, established the flag design and named the operation The Discoballs (to worship the Mother Planet). Due to the lack of movement on this particular scene, our brave guys launched a surprise attack using big-beat-tactics and drum-and-bass-attitude despite the lots of enemy patrols in the area. Live approach of the operation was highly recommended, considering the need for freedom in actions, the strike range and the possibility to intervene according to the battle field conditions. The mission of the Operation includes gaining territory, converting enemy units to allied forces, establishing new party camps, in a word - writing history at any cost. "I never think of the future - it comes soon enough." (Albert Einstein)
Discoballs inseamna un proiect de muzica avangardist. Discoballs nu se pot incadra intr-un singur gen muzical. Ai putea incadra sunetele si ritmurile lor in curente diverse, de la Electronica la Drum & Bass sau Big Beat. Daca ar fi sa cautam prin subdiviziunile subdiviziunilor muzicale, i-am putea clasifica, sa zicem, intr-un stil muzical aparte, numit… liquid-funk :)
Discoballs inseamna Alexei-clape/synth, Mizdan–bass, Christian-tobe. Toti 3 au o pregatire muzicala solida - asta daca ne referim la Conservatorul absolvit de Alexei, sau la faptul ca... toti 3 au facut parte din Travka. Spre exemplu :) Ei abordeaza live laboratorul de "experimente" Discoballs, unul din putinele proiecte electro din Romania care folosesc in spectacol instrumente (tobe, bass, clape, etc)
Prin urmare, Discoballs abordeaza o plaja larga de stiluri, de la trip-hop si downtempo - pana la d'n'b, chemical si big beat, de la sound atmosferic pana la extrem, agresiv. Unele concerte au dus la anarhie pe scena si altele au fost calde si placute. Ii poti numi fara rezerva o trupa… a extremelor J