In Romania, the winter feasts begin on 24 December and are over on 7 January. From Christmas Day, there are three central event that are celebrated in Romania. The New Year and the Epiphany. All these feasts are celebrated through some specific events.
The most important feature to mention for these feasts is the incomparably repertoire of customs, traditions and believes, artistic, literary, musical, choreographic and other folklore events, unique in the whole world.
image : Traditions in Maramures county, Vasile Pop Negresteanu
Childrens go from house to house singing beautiful Christmas Carols. In New Year's Eve night they are happy and excited because the new year must come with good things and more happiness.
The villages where the traditional spirit is still bright the performances of the people that live in these villages is one of a kind. You can feel the joy and the happiness with which they encounter the Cristmas feast. After that they prepare for celebrating the New Year in the same ways, traditionally.
One traditionaly custom in Hunedoara (Transylvania, Romania), practised by all the children on Christmas Eve is to go in each house in the village with a headkerchief, a nice printed one, tied to a lance. This custom is called locally "pizara".
They sing something that sounds like this:
"As many lumps of coal in the hearth,
Just as many suitors to the lass;
As many stones in the river,
Just a many wheat stacks in the field".
Another custom is "the Star". From old habits children go from house to house with a large star made of coloured glossy paper, singing and celebrating the Christ's birth.