Nascut la New York pe 27 octombrie 1858, Teodore Roosevelt a fost guvernatorul statului New York inainte de a deveni cel de-al 25-lea vicepresedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii. La varsta de 42 de ani Roosevelt a devenit cel mai tanar presedinte din istoria Statelor Unite, dupa ce presedintele William McKinley a fost asasinat in 1901. Personalitate cu valente multiple, s-a remarcat ca politician, scriitor, explorator, naturalist si reformator american.
A ocupat functia de presedinte timp de doua mandate, pana in 1909. Primul contact cu lumea politicii il are in perioada studentiei, cand a aderat la Partidul Republican, in cadrul caruia a fost un reformator, cautand sa promoveze ideile conservatoare ale partidului in secolul XX. In 1912, Teodore Roosevelt a candidat pentru un al treilea mandat la presedintie, fara a fi insa ales. De aceasta data a reprezentat Partidul Progresiv, al carui lider a fost.
Cunoscut pentru promovarea unor politici antimonopol si conservatorism ecologic, Teodore Roosevelt a fost distins in 1906 cu Premiul Nobel pentru Pace pentru eforturile pe care le-a depus pentru incheierea razboiului ruso-japonez. In plus fata de aceste pozitii oficiale, Teodore Roosevelt a fost membru al Institutului American de Arte si Litere, fondator al Boone and Crockett Club si al Asociatiei Atletice Nationale a Colegiilor (NCAA).
In calitate de scriitor, Teodore Roosevelt a publicat 35 de carti, in care a abordat subiecte precum: viata in aer liber, istorie naturala, frontiera Americii, istorie politica, istorie navala. Teodore Roosevelt s-a stins din viata pe 6 ianuarie 1919, in casa sa din New York.
Carti semnate de Teodore Roosevelt:
1882 The Naval War of 1812
1885 Hunting Trips of a Ranchman Parts
1887 Thomas Hart Benton
1888 Essays on Practical Politics
1888 Gouverneur Morris
1888 Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail
1889 The Winning of the West, (Vol 1 - "The Spread of English Speaking Peoples", Vol 2 - "In The Current of the Revolution", Vol 3 - "The War in the Northwest")
1891 New York
1893 The Wilderness Hunter
1893 American Big Game, with George Bird Grinnell
1894 The Winning of the West, (Vol 4 - "The Indian Wars", Vol 5 - "St. Claire and Wayne", Vol 6 - "Louisiana and Aaron Burr")
1895 Hero Tales from American History, with Henry Cabot Lodge
1895 Hunting in Many Lands, with George Bird Grinnell
1897 American Ideals
1897 Some American Game
1897 Trail and Campfire, with George Bird Grinnell
1899 The Rough Riders
1900 Oliver Cromwell
1900 The Strenuous Life
1902 The Deer Family, with T.S. Van Dyke, D.G. Elliot, and A.J. Stone
1904 Addresses and Messages
1905 Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter
1905 The Winning of the West, (Vol 5 - "Louisiana and Aaron Burr")
1907 Good Hunting
1909 Outdoor Editorials
1910 African and European Addresses
1910 African Game Trails
1910 American Problems
1910 The New Nationalism
1910 Presidential Addresses and State Papers, 8 vols.
1912 The Conservation of Womanhood and Childhood
1912 Realizable Goals
1913 Autobiography
1913 History as Literature
1913 Progressive Principles
1914 Through the Brazilian Wilderness
1914 African Game Animals, with Edmund Heller
1915 America and the World War
1916 A Book-Lovers Holiday in the Open
1916 Fear God and Take Your Own Part
1917 The Foes of Our Own Household
1917 Social Justice and Popular Rule
1917 National Strength and International Duty
1918 The Great Adventure
1919 Letters to His Children
5 Octombrie 2015
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