Cea de a treia editie Bookfest se va desfasura intre 4 - 8 iunie 2008 la Romexpo, in pavilioanele 13 - 17. Potrivit site-ului organizatorilor, de aceasta data suprafata de prezentare va fi mult mai mare si va exista un pavilion dedicat spatiilor de animatie create pentru evenimente si, din nou, un spatiu pentru copii. Cu ocazia Bookfest 2008 se vor decerna si premii USR.
Mai multe informatii pe site-ul Bookfest
Iunie 2008
Yay Jenn, what a great pile of reading for you tbr pile.They have the bigesgt 2nd hand book sale (lifeline) in Aust in Brisbane. I go every year and there are so many tables you couldn't go through them all in a day once, let alone twice. Unfortunately, by the time I've trawled the kids books tables, I've usually run out of time to hunt for myself. But I usually pick up between 50-80 books for the kids for about $20, so time well spent. Can't wait until they are big enough to hunt for their own books though!And well done to Jeanette for her patience I hope she managed to find some good books also.