- Due to the current economic crisis and recession which is still present in many branches of the global economy, Emagic, the company that organizes the B'ESTFEST event decided to postpone the 2010 edition of the festival.
Given that from year to year B'ESTFEST evolved into a major large-scale event in Romania, the organizers announced that the decision was influenced by restriction of the marketing and advertising budgets that can not be sustained only from the sale of tickets.
The company Emagic said in a statement that delaying B'ESTFEST was the best option because the public was accustomed to a certain notion of what a festival for three days with many scenes and artists is.
Because the recession, B'ESTFEST could not be a festival like those from the past years. Hence the fourth edition has been delayed.
Even so the Faithless concert has been postponed. It will run under a different concept on July 16, 2010.