Artist's Presentation Nicolae Macovei
Excerpt from the artistic activity:
Art essays in reviews such as: Amfiteatru, Romania Literara, Viata Romaneasca, Teatrul, Arta, Romania Libera, Cotidianul, Cronica, Realitatea Romaneasca, and on the Radio and TV.
Front covers and pictures for various books published by the printing houses: Eminescu, Crater, Semne, Vinea, Ex Ponto, Muzeul Literaturii Romane and others.
Participations in joint exhibitions: „Omage to Ion Vinea” 1998 and 1999 – Giurgiu; „Recviem for a Bloody Christmas” 2001 - Bucharest; „Eminescu” 2002 - Bucharest; „Icons and sacred art exhibition” 2002 - Bucharest; „Caragiale” 2003 - Bucharest; „Omage to Eugen Ionescu” 2005 – Slatina; „Recviem for a Bloody Christmas”(2) 2006 – Orthodox Cathedral in Timisoara.
Personal exhibitions: „Digital Art” on the C.D. of P.C. Magazin - September 2001; „Digital Art 2” on the C.D.„Virtual book - 50 volumes „Contemporary Romanian Literature” printed by the Cultural Society Noesis, November 2001; „Clip Art” on Prima TV by Sorin Ceaus in 2002; a volum of poetry and computer drawings „Un om cu trenci gri si ilustratii color abstracte” (A man dressed in a grey coat and color abstract illustrations) in the C.D. of P.C. Magazin, July 2001; „Digital Art 3” on the P.C. Magazin, July 2005; „Digital Art - 4” on the C.D.-ul in P.C. Magazin, August 2005; a presentation of 6 color works in the review EX-PONTO no.3(8) 2005; presentation of 10 color works in the review „Caminul”- October 2005; „A-one-day exhibition” in Club A, Bucharest 2006; presentation of 19 color and white-and-black works in the review „Cultura” (12 April 2007), personal exhibitions „Unitate-Diversitate”, Gallery Simeza, Bucharest, iunie 2007.
Awards: „4th prize” at the „Ex Libris” contest - „Ion Vinea” December 1998; „1st prize” at the graphics contest „Aldebaran” Giurgiu 1999.
Works in provate collections in the country and abroad.
Address: Nicolae Macovei, 16 Benjamin Franklin str, ap.1, district.1,
Landline - 314 89 82 , mobil: 0743141310, Bucharest.
august 2007
Exposed Artworks
Painting - Graphics - 23 artworks