Anna Khodorkovskaya
Chapter II
Opening & Artist book launch
April 15th, 7 p.m. at Mobius Gallery
Mendeleev 2 St. Bucharest
"If a person has hair, this hair can move through many stages"(Delleuze/Guattari)/
The world of advertising as part of a global neoliberal mechanism facing off the artistic practice?
Anna Khodorkovskaya’s works included in "Art & Everything" series emphasize the neoliberal development and the connection that occurs within the artistic practice, beyond any material and capitalist interests. Globalization (as an extrinsic term for Fordism and post-Fordism) refers to an acute process of integration and worldwide spreading of a set of ideas which are more or less linked to the economic activity and commodities production. The promoting forces in this case are the liberalization of international trade and capital fluxes, the acceleration of the information flow.
Highly controversial concept, globalization is perceived from two points of view: a positive one that focuses on the benefits of unification and globalization of all human societies, and a negative one that accuses globalization for the loss of people and communities’ individuality. From the very beginning of globalization, the cultural dimension has often been confused with the media culture of audio-visual technologies and communications that function as transmitters of cultural representations. Media culture is the equivalent of alienation generated by consumerism, which is experienced at all levels, by anyone.
Culture can also be a global product. Global culture is artificial, shapeless. In fact, global culture is a constructed culture without history and yet, cultural globalization is a highly dialectical process, where globalization and localization, homogenization and fragmentation, centralization and decentralization do not exclude each other. They are inseparable faces of the same coin. The cultural change is not just the story of loss or destruction, but it is also a story of development and creativity. Even if the connections among the old forms of diversity are lost, there are new forms of cultural diversity showing up all the time.
The messages coded in Anna Khodorkovskaya’s artworks involve a suggestive intervention regarding a new approach of the mercantile side of art, the way art can interact with other media, especially advertising, and how the tools of capitalism can be used in order to convey an eloquent message.
Eugen Radescu, curator
April 2016