Curator: Flavia Lupu
May 25 – May 28, 2016
Opening & party all night long: 25 mai, ora 19.00
Behind the decks/Music DJ: Giuser ONE

Albert Kaan is trying addressed to the audience by using the video projection on a skul reduce to primary representation. to predictable a digital world, which, by the characteristics of it, questions the reality as was known untill now. As a supposition, the organic matter will have to adapt to a new form of existence, following a process of symbiosis between what we inherit from the industrial society, what has been added by the consumerist society and then was supliment by the internet era. At this time we are in the process of recomposing our world. It remains to be seen what would be the effects of subjecting the individual to a permanent network of relationship. The metal cage in the form of a human skull is a hint at the mechanisms of contemporary urban society.
Mihai Popescu uses textiles and the expression "worse comes to worst", adaptation of "from the frying pan into the fire", what has, in English, a value of causal link, followed by an explanations. "Wire from laundry detergents", on which extends the text, is actually a symbolic equivalent of the life cycle of the screen printed material with sulfuric acid. To this installation is added a site-specific one, assimilated by the industrial space in which was organized the exhibition, assimilation which is based on its precarious aesthetics. By using rough materials as plaster, wool felting, rusty pipes, the intervention can be "peaceful" without disturbing the visual balance of an area. The instalation has one dual status. From it can be understood both the artist perspective and trails and specific tools of the intervention with in the space.
The new creative class #1 is a first event in a cycle of collaborative projects which combines the creative visions of two artists with different background. The works of Albert Kaan and of Mihai Popescu were selected in following a call and have been put together because of their ability to cause conceptual doubt opon the society and because the typology of the definitory connections that caracterise it.
“The New Creative Class” works as an experiment by which we want to facilitate the cooperation between various people and the various kinds of backgrounds which have a direct or tangential link with the creation of cultural acts. The need for such a project has occurred naturally and we want to develop it on several directions.
(Flavia Lupu, curator “The new creative class” and co-director of Bucharest Biennale - Bucharest International Biennial of Contemporary Art)
"The New Creative Class" is a project addressed to the students from the University of Arts, and will be a platform of exposure, creative education exercises and interdisciplinary cooperation.
"The New Creative Class" will show the productive acts, operating as a basis of operations, as a connector panel of the Departments within the UNArte - National University of Arts involving evenly students and teachers into a different type of socializing.
The study is “learn to learn how". For Bateson it is necessary to a change the premise of learning/ study, in terms of Derrida is a deconstruction of codes and constraint, and therefore in terms of Nietzsche, a transformation of the person and a new freedom.
Therefore the extension of the study outside the academy may cause new questions, curiosity and can generate a type of critical thinking, innovative, for the students.
(Razvan Ion, the initiator of “The New Creative Class”, co-founder of the Bucharest Biennale - Bucharest International Biennial of Contemporary Art)
May 2016