Katherine Hepburn a castigat in cariera de actrita 4 premii Oscar. Ea a jucat in filme precum Morning Glory, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, The Lion in Winter, On Golden Pond.
Actori care au castigat cate trei premii Oscar
Ingrid Bergman in Gaslight, Anastasia si Murder on the Orient Express.
Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, As Good as It Gets si Terms of Endearment
Walter Brennan care a ajutat la lansarea filmelor precum Come and Get It, Kentucky, The Westerner.
Actori si actrite care au primit doua premii Oscar
Marlon Brando in renumitele filme On the Waterfront si The Godfather, Gary Cooper care a jucat in Sergeant York, High Noon, Daniel Day-Lewis, actor principal in My Left Foot, There Will Be Blood, Tom Hanks in Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Dustin Hoffman (Kramer vs Kramer, Rain Man), Fredric March (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Best Years of Our Lives), Sean Penn (Mystic River, Milk) si Spencer Tracy in Captains Courageous, Boys Town.
Actritele care au castigat cate doua premii Oscar in cariera sunt Luise Rainer pentru rolurile interpretate in The Great Ziegfeld si The Good Earth, Bette Davis pentru Dangerous si Jezebel, Olivia de Haviland interpreta a rolurilor principale din To Each His Own si The Heiress.
De asemenea la aceeasi categorie, tot cu doua premii Oscar castigate enumeram pe Elizabeth Taylor in filmele Butterfield 8 si Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Glenda Jackson, Jane Fonda, Sally Feld, Jodie Foster si Hilary Swank premiate pentru rolurile din filmele Women in Love si A Touch of Class, Klute si Coming Home, Norma Rae si Places in the Heart, The Accused si Silence of the Lambs, respectiv Boys Don’t Cry si Million Dollar Baby. O enumerare care nu include toate marile staruri incarcate de premii Oscar.